Picks for today, etc...
I was browsing around on MyCatwalk.com.au and happened upon some cute stuff from the Australian brand Shakuhachi:

I really like this maxi dress. The lace panel around the chest is really pretty and the fabric has such nice drape. I bet it must be so soft and comfy.

These short dresses are cute too. I like the cut and print of the last one a lot, that babydoll length goes so well with big chunky shoes.
Australia never ceases to produce interesting labels...
@ MyCatwalk
Ok can I just say that I am totally dyyyiinngg over these t-shirts from Rerock4Ever.com?? I absolutely must have that first Sex Gang Children shirt and the Christian Death one. Its been awhile since I diy'ed myself a tee and I'm itchin' to do some more (check out my 2nd to last post for an awesome video on how to cut&sew up a t-shirt into a cute corset-style tank top).

I've always loved this Bauhaus tee...spooooky :]
Totally badass Bow Wow Wow tee. Shame I went through my white phase Junior year and I really doubt I'm ever going back :\
Also, LOVE this Jayne County tee. If you don't know who Wayne/Jayne County is I encourage you to go google her right now. Jayne is an original 1970's NYC tranny who was a major character in the budding punk scene during that decade and long after.
@ ReRock4Ever
Brings back fond memories of reading "Please Kill Me" in middle school. Whats that? You've never heard of "Please Kill Me?" Well shit girrrl, get on that asap! PKM will always be one of my most favorite books. The crazed stories of drunken, drug-induced debauchery mingled with tales of pure genius will never get old.

Shoes! I'm liking these pigskin F-Troupe heels a lot. Especially that zipper going up the back, mmm hmmm...
Cute cute cuuute....I picture them with a short dress and a big black floppy hat.
Just enough buckles.
@ F-Troupe
Ok, now for the results of my daily Etsy rummaging:
Spike ring
@ Ildvd
Dragon scale ring
@ Post
Double owl claw necklace
Hawk claw necklace
@ LuxCoronette
Stalactite necklace
@ SavageSalvage
Vampire teeth necklace
@ Everdreamdesigns
Vintage skeleton domino necklace
@ BirdHouseStudios
Bat necklace (I liiike it...rubber toy animals are always rad, especially bats.)
@ MissfitKat

I was browsing around on MyCatwalk.com.au and happened upon some cute stuff from the Australian brand Shakuhachi:

Australia never ceases to produce interesting labels...
@ MyCatwalk
Ok can I just say that I am totally dyyyiinngg over these t-shirts from Rerock4Ever.com?? I absolutely must have that first Sex Gang Children shirt and the Christian Death one. Its been awhile since I diy'ed myself a tee and I'm itchin' to do some more (check out my 2nd to last post for an awesome video on how to cut&sew up a t-shirt into a cute corset-style tank top).

@ ReRock4Ever
Brings back fond memories of reading "Please Kill Me" in middle school. Whats that? You've never heard of "Please Kill Me?" Well shit girrrl, get on that asap! PKM will always be one of my most favorite books. The crazed stories of drunken, drug-induced debauchery mingled with tales of pure genius will never get old.

@ F-Troupe
Ok, now for the results of my daily Etsy rummaging:

@ Ildvd

@ Post

@ LuxCoronette

@ SavageSalvage

@ Everdreamdesigns

@ BirdHouseStudios

@ MissfitKat

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