I had a hard time putting together this post tonight since its been so long since I've done any real heavy browsing through my usual clothing/accessory haunts. I haven't really had much extra cash which makes it tough to even look at boutiques, let alone create a good selection of stuff.
My point with these "picks of the day" posts and the majority of this blog in general is to attempt to sift through all the crap and "curate" , if you will, a top-notch collection of fashion goodies suitable for darklings such as myself. I try to provide items at all price ranges, but I like to focus on secondhand and low to mid $ goods because that's what I can afford. I'm not one of those bloggers who continually raves about how one just HAS to have those sick new $600 Acne platforms, or A. Wang purse, or Ksubi jeans or whatever. Occasionally I'll add in expensive items but mostly its just because I dig a certain aesthetic. Anyways without further ado:
Picks for today!

Conjure perfume
@ solsticescents
This Etsy brand has a lot of interesting perfumes. Nice little descriptions behind each one, and great prices too. Each perfume bottle runs about $8.00.

Vintage Bebe corset top
@ recollectionsclothing
@ recollectionsclothing

Vintage lace thong bodysuit
@ TwiceLux

Cute vintage lingerie tops
@ tarantulasisters
Kind of kickass leather bra. Only $38 bucks! Way cheaper than pretty much every other basic leather bra top I've seen that isn't totally ridiculous. Personally thinking about making this one of my next investments.
@ imosh
Sweet "evil" rosary
Upsidedown cross earrings (you can by them in singles or pairs)

Also at imosh.

@ TwiceLux

@ tarantulasisters

@ imosh

Imosh is awesome! I have the upside down cross earring and I bought an ear cuff which I ended up losing but I might buy another one.... also you just convinced me to buy a leather bra on Ebay... haha not sure how I am going to wear it but kind of psyched anyway.